Wayne Allen,Cory Fothergill and Jim Hamlin were in on
Saturday. An attempt was going to be made to add oil to 4268, however water
leaks in the block slowed us down. Cylinders 14-15 had water in them , and
cylinder 10 was leaking water from the water gooseneck into the head. We
quickly drained the unit, replaced o rings on the gooseneck for cylinder 10.
The three of us removed the cylinder heads from 14 and 15 and cleaned both.
Cylinder 15 had a bad head gasket. Cylinder 14 didn’t show us any signs of
leaks. We replaced all o rings and head gaskets involved. We found slight water
leak off the water pipe on the top of the block and corrected that. Mark gray
worked on Sunday wiring gauge lights, more engine room lights, removing dead
heater wiring, and connecting more lights in the nose. Wayne did more work
putting the “jewelry” back on the heads we removed Saturday. The 4268 currently
has water in her, and we will recheck for leaks next weekend.