Friday, June 23, 2023

Seashore Trolley Museum - Preservation the History of March Transportation at the April 19, 2023 Membership Meeting of the 470 Railroad Club


"The Seashore Trolley Museum" "Preserving the History of Mass-Transportation" By John Mercurio, Education Department Coordinator.

John Mercurio, a 470 Club member, is a retired independent insurance agent. John sold his agency located in Winchester, MA, in 2001, and settled in Kennebunk to be closer to the museum.  During his career he was an instructor for insurance associations and societies, plus active in community service.

John joined the Seashore Trolley Museum in October 1995, in the operations department.  Shortly, afterwards he joined the education committee, which he presently chairs. John will present a slideshow describing the museum, its artifacts, activities, and special events. A second slideshow will review the timeline of mass transportation and the people that made it possible.

Preserving the History of Mass Transportation at the the Seashore Trolley Museum