Monday, July 29, 2024

Updates on the clubs 1741 and 4268 engines

 The last two weekends we made some steady progress on all three club locomotives. Ryan Fothergill has continued the surgery on 1741 replacing rotted metal to prep it for a paint job in September. Wayne Allen, Cory Fothergill and Eric Grover worked on a vigorous task of changing a leaky radiator in 4268 without removing the roof. For those of you who haven’t seen a locomotive radiator , 5 of these sections make up each side of the f units , and they are connected by approximately 40 bolts. To loosen and tighten these bolts normally one would remove and flip the roof , remove the radiators on saw horses and work that way. With some ingenuity we were able to drop the leaky radiator section down , and install a new one without removing the roof. Bolts were tightened by removing a fan and climbing into the upper portion of the carbody. 4268 is back together and tested with 4266 and they both should be available in the next week for events. Thanks for all that donate to keep these projects going!