North Conway Roundhouse appeared as if it was A scene from Waterville shops on Sunday. We had an electrician, a plumber/pipe fitter, a welder, and two mechanics working on 4268. (Mark Gray, Larry Kemp, Ryan Fothergill, Wayne Allen, and Cory Fothergill. We also had Eric Grover in Bridge and Buildings doing the finishing touches on the Quebec Junction Shanty as well. On the 4268 the following work was started and or accomplished. Strobe lights installed, axle alternator for speedometer on axle #1 installed, Cab flooring complete, cab seats installed, 1” and 3/4 copper air brake pipes complete. 2” copper pipes for air compressor complete. Ecology tanks installed between fuel tank and battery box. New rear headlights housing and assembly installed. The lighting circuit in 4268 is completed reconnected and with the battery knife installed the lights all work inside! Airbrake valves all mounted with new gaskets. The side sills reinstalled. We had a productive weekend. We also filled 4268 with water for the first time to check for leaks. Although several were discovered and corrected, one major leak will be delaying our progress. The oil cooler has unfortunately failed and began leaking water into the prime mover. Fortunately we have not put any oil it it yet. The water is now drained and we will order a new oil cooler to replace it. And oil cooler uses the locomotives cooling water in a radiator type assembly to keep the motor oil in the locomotive cool and safe for operation. When the oil coolers get older the copper flutes begin to weaken and fail. We will work to replace the oil cooler in the coming months, and in the meantime finish up getting the 4268 ready to roll!