Sunday, August 13, 2023

Repair Work on GP-9 #72 on August 5-6, 2023


This weekend Wayne Allen and Cory Fothergill tackled some recently discovered water leaks inside GP9 72s 567C block. Cylinder 7 and cylinder 16 both were found to have leaks coming from the head gaskets or cylinder head assemblies last weekend. With help from a custom built head lifting tool patented by Louie Edmonds, Wayne and Cory were able to remove both cylinder head assemblies , clean and reinstall. 

Cylinder 16 was found to have a faulty head gasket installation. It appears parts of o rings from the previous head gasket were not removed prior to installing the head gasket currently in there. A new head gasket and proper removal of the old one solved the leak on this cylinder. Over on the other side of the motor things were a little different however. It appeared the head gasket wasn’t in too bad of shape but a leak found inside the cylinder head itself. A brand new power assembly was installed to solve this leak. 

After both jobs were complete several water jumper o rings were disassembled on cylinder 10 and o rings were replaced. The water was filled once again, and after an inspection it appears at this point we no longer have any leaks on this engine at the moment. 

We have an electrician scheduled to do some work next weekend , and we hope to begin disassembling the trucks in preparation for installing traction motors. New batteries and a replacement radiator have been ordered for 4268 to get her well prepared for the fall season. More for another time!